Title: Gena/Finn
Author: Hannah Moskowitz & Kat Helgeson
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Release date: May 17th 2016
Rating: 3/5
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The story follows the unlikely friendship of two young women forged via fan fiction and message boards, and is told entirely in texts, chats, and blog posts.
Gena (short for Genevieve) and Finn (short for Stephanie) have little in common. Book-smart Gena is preparing to leave her posh boarding school for college; down-to-earth Finn is a twenty-something struggling to make ends meet in the big city. Gena’s romantic life is a series of reluctant one-night-stands; Finn is making a go of it with long-term boyfriend Charlie. But they share a passion for Up Below, a buddy cop TV show with a cult fan following. Gena is a darling of the fangirl scene, keeping a popular blog and writing fan fiction. Finn’s online life is a secret, even from Charlie. The pair spark an unlikely online friendship that deepens quickly (so quickly it scares them both), and as their individual “real” lives begin to fall apart, they increasingly seek shelter online, and with each other.
Genna / Finn is the first book I´ve read that is write entirely on texts messages, blog posts, email and other social networks.
Genna is a girl on her senior year, she attends a boarding school and her parents are currently on the other side of the world due to their work, so she keeps little contact with them. Genna has a blog dedicated to fandom for a television program called Up Bellow, where she post what she thought of certain episode and also writes fanfiction of some episodes of the program. Meanwhile Finn is a newly graduated college girl, she lives with her boyfriend and is in the process of seeking employment. She also has a blog where mainly comments or review about the episodes and posts her fanart of the characters of the series.
And it´s through their love for the tv series and since both are
team Jake (one of the main characters of Up Below) that they get to "know" each other, initially through private messages, knowing only their online name, but as time pass they start to share more about their life outside the fandom and they forge a good friendship where they begin to share their concerns and secrets that they can not tell anyone else, it´s this what makes their friendship more real for them,
The book has 287 pages, so it isn´t very long, but it took me a while to get used to the way its written; the books is not told only with text messages and emails between Genna and Finn, also includes emails, text messages and even on post-its with their friends, family and boyfriend in the case of Finn.
Genna / Finn is a contemporary novel about friendship, LGBT issues and mental disorder, so don´t expect a light, fluffy story, because it has some drama and although I was expecting to be a light story but overall, I enjoyed it.