Title: The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1)
Author: Mary E. Pearson
Publisher: Henry Holt
Release date: July 15th 2014
Rating: 3.5/5
Buy on: Amazon | B&N | BookDepository
Princess Lia is First Daughter of the House of Morrighan, a kingdom steeped in tradition, duty, and the stories of a bygone world. She flees on her wedding day, shirking her duty, but is determined to marry for love and not to secure a political alliance.
Pursued by bounty hunters, she finds refuge in a distant village and settles into a new life, hopeful when two handsome strangers arrive. She doesn’t know that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deception abounds and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets—even as she finds herself falling in love.
The Kiss of Deception is a fantasy book that takes place in a world where there are three great kingdoms, the Kingdom of Morrighan, the Kingdom of Dalbreck and the Kingdom of Venda. The Kingdom of Venda is considered savage, barbarian and its citizens have almost no interaction with the other kingdoms, and the other kingdoms are weary of them so the other two kingdoms decide to form an alliance by marrying Princess Lia, First Daughter of the House of Morrighan and the Crown Prince of the Dalbreck Kingdom.
The story begins with Princess Lia fleeing the day of her wedding along with her best friend Pauline, since she hopes to marry out of love and not out of obligation as her parents did. Both flee and begin to live in a small fishing village, working in an inn, where they think to live for the rest of their lives.
On the other hand there are two young guys that are looking for her, one is the prince of Dalbreck, whom after being jilted on the day of his wedding, he wants to meet the princess, without any apparent plan beyond knowing her. And on the other hand we have another young man who is an assassin sent to eliminate Lia. When Lia meets them, they both seem attractive but she is attracted to one of them, and what follows is a kind of friendship-courtship between her and both; and for most of the book we as readers do not know which is which, but when we finally know who is the assassin and who´s the prince the story changes and it´s when Lia's adventure begins.
Overall, I enjoyed reading The Kiss of Deception, but it took me a while to finish reading it, because when I found out the identity of the assassin and the prince, I don´t know what happened to me but I stopped reading the book, maybe it could be that I start to read it a couple of days before New Year´s Eve, but it took me more than a week to read this book, but once I got back to it, I read it relatively quickly and I do intend to continue reading the trilogy.
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