June 21, 2012

Book Cover Battle #11

This section or meme is call Book Cover Battle, the first time I saw it was at Books Passion for Life as UK vs US  and  Bookaholics book club as UK vs The World but because I don´t live in the UK, I can´t name it that way, so for now is Book Cover Battle .

This week book cover battle is

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

US (Paperback)

US (Hardcover)





Click on the image to go to Goodreads

Is difficult to decide, as I like the four covers, the UK is simple yet it  caught my eye.  I like both US covers, although my favorite of the two is the hardcover.  And I also like the spanish cover and I feel that it do go with the theme of the book.

 But if I have to choose one cover, I would choose the US harcover.

What do you think? Which is your favorite?