November 28, 2013

Book Cover Battle #53: Shadow and Bone

This section or meme is call Book Cover Battle, the first time I saw it was at Books Passion for Life as UK vs US  and  Bookaholics book club as UK vs The World but because I don´t live in the UK, I can´t name it that way, so for now is Book Cover Battle .

This week book cover battle is

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1) by Leigh Bardugo
Click on the image to go to Goodreads
US                                               UK

Spain                                               French

German                                               Greek

Indonesian                                               Italian


I´m going to start with the book covers that I don´t like, I definitely don´t like the Italian and the Greek cover. The girl in the Italian cover seems an alien or something like that...what do you think about the Italian cover?

And of the other book covers I like them all but my favorites are the UK cover, US cover and the Polish cover.

What do you think? Which is your favorite? 


  1. I like the US, UK, and Polish ones the best also. It first I didn't particularly like the Us version, but the more I see it, I think it fits the story pretty well. The UK one adds something mysterious and maybe a hint of danger. Meanwhile the Polish one makes it seem more like a fairy tale or something.

    Once Upon A Dream Books

  2. US! The Italian one has interesting art. Not something that fits the book but interesting to look at nonetheless.

  3. I think the US one is the best, although the German, Polish, Italian, and Indonesian ones do catch my eye. The Polish one looks more sci-fi, though. And the Indonesian one seems more fairy tale.

  4. I'd definitely say the US one for sure! :D

  5. Love all the covers!! But the Polish cover is gorgeous!

  6. From all these covers I only really like the US one. It's really a great cover!

  7. US and UK,both are very cool covers :)
