May 14, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (8): Top Ten Books Dealing With Tough Subjects

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books Dealing With Tough Subjects 
(Abuse, incest, grief, violence)
(in no particular order)

4. Easy by Tammara Webb
5. Wait for You by J. Lynn
6. Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

What books have you read with tough subjects? 
Leave me your links!


  1. I haven't read any of these yet but majority of these are on my TBR pile for reading later on.

    My TTT

  2. Pushing The Limits is on my list this week too. I've also recently bought Hopeless! Great list!

  3. I need to read If I Stay and the Piper's Son. Great list! Thanks for stopping by!
    -Natalie @Natflix&Books

  4. Some great books on your list! I forgot to put some of them in my TTT post today :(

    Thanks for stopping by earlier :)

    Happy reading.

  5. I haven't read any of these, but I've seen The Sea of Tranquility popping up a lot, I may have to check it out.


  6. Oh my god, If You Stay & Where She Went are so sad :( And I've been meaning to read The Piper's Son for about forever now. Great list!

  7. Thanks for stopping by Jorie's Reads today! I, in turn, haven't read any of those you've listed. Add 10 more to my own TBR pile! :)

  8. LOVED both of these books by Gayle Forman, and I can't wait to read The Sea of Tranquility.

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

  9. I've read most of these! The Sea of Tranquility was just BEAUTIFUL and heartbreaking Maji Bookshelf

  10. The If I Stay series and Pushing the Limits are some of my favorites. Great list. :)

  11. Thank you for sharing this wonderful list. I love to read books that have tough issues so I am adding these books to my TBR list so I remember what they are. Thanks again for the list.

  12. I've heard only of Pushing the Limits, and I'll try my best to read it, soon.

  13. I have read exactly Zilch of these. But The Sea of Tranquility is on my Kindle, and next up in the Kindle TBR. The rest are ones that are already on the TBR, or about to be looked into!
